Metaphysical #84
Why I Don't Go To Theaters
Being a psychometrist and energy reader in general, theaters are not very comfortable for me.
Why I Don't Go To Theaters
Being a psychometrist and energy reader in general, theaters are not very comfortable for me.
Paranormal #83
Do All Ghosts Want To Be Crossed Over?
Taking a deeper look into if all ghost want to be crossed over or not.
Re-Writing My Future A Stroke in Time
What does one do when they were born a multi-talented sensitive with multiple abilities, and that was one's "norm"; have a stroke as an adult, lose touch with those abilities, and have to struggle to not only get the abilities back to working, but also have to find a new "norm"? This is part of Jan's story, and a bit more.
Available via Bio-Link or Amazon. Thank You!
Paranormal #82
Can Animals Be Ghosts?
Can they be ghosts, or other types of hauntings?
We’ve been bombarded with lies; misinformation; re-direction; and distractions – to name a few.
We’ve had the most bizarre, ludicrous and downright weird “information” and “facts” pushed onto us… aka, the misinformation, disinformation; a subversive way to sway people into believing the untruths.
“If a lie is printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it.” 1869 – Isa Blagden in “The Crown of Life”.
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” – Vladimir Lenon
“The phrase ‘ a lie told often enough becomes the truth’ is most commonly attributed to Joseph Goebbels…” – Google
With all that we’ve been through since 2020, are we feeling numb, disconnected, lethargic or are we just not trusting anything coming from our elected officials anymore?
Or have we just quit critical thinking and/or thinking for ourselves? Or could it be all that I’ve mentioned?
One of the biggest reasons I ask is, well, the disclosures of aliens on Earth, as well as the disclosure of how they aren’t extraterrestrial, but rather intraterrestrial.
Google reports “Extraterrestrial means something that originates from outside Earth or its atmosphere, while intraterrestrial means something that originates from within Earth.”
Google: Intraterrestrial “…refers to organisms that live in the deep subsurface of the Earth, including in rocks deep within the Earth’s crust.”
My belief is that before 2020, I feel a heavy majority of the masses...Read More
by Jan Toomer
Everyone Has An Ability
It doesn't have to be a metaphysical or paranormal type ability to be an ability.
Spiritual or Energetic Doula
What's the difference between a Birth Doula, a Death Doula and a Spiritual (or Energetic) Doula?
Can All Ghosts See One Another?
Did you ever wonder if ghosts can see each other? Let's take a look at this.