
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

A Breather



 As the end of November creeps closer you may feel…relieved, expanded, and/or lightened energy.

Can you feel it?

The Forerunners

Also called the path-makers, the way-showers, the ground crew, etc. These are the Lightworkers, energy workers and the like who have been boots-on-the-ground; clearing the way and setting up the new foundation for the new energies that are evolving and have evolved from 3D density to a higher frequency while in a physical body.

And we are tired. We have worked long and hard. Are we done? Well, not exactly, but for now, we don’t have to do any heavy lifting so-to-speak.

Take a Breather

We are taking a breather – it’s time.

Can you feel it?

Although 3D Earth still has a lot of stuff happening, we have been given a...
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by Jan Toomer

Monday, November 13, 2023

It's All in the Heart




Humans have lived from the brain, ego, and in fear for a very long time.

Now we’re transitioning to moving into and living from the heart. This transition may be a little rocky until we adjust; we may occasionally feel emotionally sensitive.

What does that look and feel like? Well, for me, I feel my – and others – emotions a lot stronger than a year ago…and that’s saying a lot for an empath.

Since we’re moving more into the heart – which is stronger compassion, empathy and a lot stronger connection to emotions – one may experience stronger reactions to grief, praise, beauty in one’s world and perhaps feeling “moved” a lot stronger.

A friend called recently and told me some sad news about her horse; I teared up.

In the same call, she complimented me, and I teared up again.

But There Might Be More

Because we are essentially becoming more sensitive, this might include feeling and/or reacting more to shifts and changes on Earth, with Earth.

All the earthquakes, volcanic activity, tornadoes/twisters, or hurricanes and typhoon energies can create..Read More

by Jan Toomer 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Tech Detox





We went to the hot springs for a few days. Hubby suggested I needed to relax. I told him I wasn’t sure if I would be able to. I asked my team to help me unwind, unplug, rejuvenate and have time to write to finish my third book.

When we got to the hot springs and settled in, we found their Wifi was down. In all the years we’ve visited there, we’ve never experienced being Wifi-free.

In the early afternoon, we walked down to the desk and asked about the internet connection. They hadn’t realized it was down. Unfortunately, they informed us, the IT guy was gone for the day. I did have 5G on my phone, but don’t use that for surfing or for social media.

So Hubby soaked a lot and read in between soaks. I wrote a lot.

Late the second day, we were informed the connection had been reestablished, but the Wifi wouldn’t reach our room.

Showing Me How It’s Done

The resort cat spent quite a few hours sleeping next to me on the sofa. Every once in a while, she’d wake up, reach out to me and place either her paw or her head on my leg and go back to sleep. Perhaps she was showing me her way of relaxing.

I completed my book (A Prophecy Revealed – expected to be out January or February 2024), and when we got back home, I sent the manuscript out for a final critique.

Did my Team make sure I had no distractions by disabling the internet connection or was it coincidental? I don’t believe in coincidences.

Back Home

When we got back home and I finally checked in on social media, I was shocked by how hard I was struck by what I had previously been desensitized to.


Our right to speak freely has been muzzled. I know, they say...Read More

by Jan Toomer