
Sunday, September 24, 2023

Not All Poltergeist-Like Activity is Caused by a Ghost



 Not all paranormal poltergeist-like activity is caused by a ghost; there may be something else going on.

There are different “feels” of a house or home. I don’t mean how one decorated their home. What I’m talking about is the mood of the actual structure.

There are also different ways a home or house can “feel” wonderful or unpleasant. Today we’ll look at egregores (thought forms) first and then a house’s mood.

An egregore is a non-physical entity that can be created by one or more people, and sustained by a group of people’s beliefs, thoughts and/or fears, usually (but not always) created unintentionally.

Displaced Energy Egregore

One example (simplified) may be poltergeist activity triggered by a living human’s unresolved (usually negative) emotions that the human has displaced. This displaced energy starts off resonating through one’s home. The displaced energy can build up and eventually create a thought form and/or poltergeist-like activity. If the egregore continues to be fed by people’s thoughts, fears, beliefs and/or imagination – also known as collective energy – the egregore may begin to build a type of consciousness or begin to think. It knows to seek more energy to feed itself. Since it is created from displaced energy, it cannot create its own; it needs to seek energy to maintain itself.

As an egregore “grows”, it may assume a black mist and/or a black blob or shadow-person form.

Group Consensus Thought

This is another way an egregore can be created ... Read More

by Jan Toomer



Monday, September 18, 2023

Energy Update - September 18, 2023


    ~ Being Triggered ~

I was having multiple surgeries in my mouth (in the same spot) so, yet another day of hoping we were done, I went in for a follow up appointment.

When the doctor walked into the room, my heart sped up and my palms were instantly coated in sweat. My physical response startled me, and in true Jan-fashion blurted out, “Oh, I don’t think my body likes you right now!”

I had been triggered. My body remembered what had happened the last five visits over a four month period when I had been with that doctor, and now my body went into a stress memory response.

Being Triggered

The energies coming through – starting September 11th and then amped up on September 15th (and will continue) – are bringing to the surface stuff we hadn’t yet healed and released. Just when you think your storage warehouse is empty…surprise! Out pops another unresolved thing.

These can be from distant past to current past, and they are being triggered now. The energies are pushing it out for us to see and/or feel it, heal it and release it.

It’s my opinion, or perhaps experience, that these triggers are not subtle at all. Oh, and when triggered, one major response is anger; but it’s not limited to anger. Grief, fear and other fear-based emotions can surface.

We are also revisiting the past in other ways as well – especially reminiscing about someone or some incident or event from our past – and it’s not limited to traumatic events or experiences; we are also reminiscing on the positive and happy ones as well.

Healing and Releasing

For any triggers coming up...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Birthday Gift


When I wake up in the morning, and before leaving my bed, I connect to, and greet my Team. This is part of my morning ritual, if you will, to make a conscious effort to connect with them.

On my birthday, I connected with my Team as usual…except this time was different. As I connected, I heard, “Happy Birthday!” from a chorus of beings. So many beautiful beings. I thought it was very sweet and began to thank them, but they weren’t done. They gifted me with overwhelming waves of pure unconditional love. Yeah, I cried. I cried because it was a birthday gift so beautiful, it touched me on a soul level.

And it reminded me that the purest form of love, Unconditional Love, is something that we all crave while on our human existence journey.


While the birthday gift was awesome, it came with the realization of how powerful unconditional love is.

Accepting or receiving unconditional love while being in a human body:

- Fills one’s being.

- Helps re-balance one.

- Reminds one of our interconnectedness.

- Is healing and soothing to one.

- Is granted to each one of us – we just need to accept it.

- It is just plain old awesome energy!

We Are One

If any aspect of One (person, people, or groups) is doling out ... Read More

by Jan Toomer