
Sunday, April 23, 2023

How Do I Allow?



 By acknowledging that others have the right to their life journey without your judgment or criticism*. This, however, doesn’t mean that we accept abuse in any form.

Sometimes it’s Hard

Sometimes it’s hard to listen to those who wish to complain and yet do nothing to change; they stay in a perpetual loop in victim-mode energy. They just want to whine and not change.

We can respect ourselves and respect others by accepting everyone’s right to their experiences. We can be a shoulder to cry on or lend an ear to listen to someone’s venting and still not try to rescue them. Gentle suggestions may be offered, but the decision is theirs, not ours.

With the victim-mode scenario, if it were me listening to someone who wants to stay in that mode, I’d be done. I don’t want to play in anyone’s victim-mode sandbox.

I can allow them the right to keep playing, but I can walk away a no longer engage.

I may sometimes sound cold or dispassionate, but I assure you I am not.

Allowing is Not

- Entitlement. No one...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Feeling Lighter?

The energies coming in of late have been intense, so much so that it sometimes overloads one of my ears. It’s not painful or long lasting, just intense.

But with the intensity, the energy is still carrying a sense of calm, peace and of being supported.

With this feeling of being supported, I asked, “Supported by whom?” But before I share that answer, I want to share a part of a discussion that happened last week.

Ant View Versus Hawk View

Ants are mostly ground (or near ground) dwellers, as opposed to hawks who soar the skies.

The ant’s view is what is in the immediate area – what’s literally in their face – and they have difficulty seeing around or beyond the immediate obstacles.

Hawk’s visual acuity is reported to be about eight times better than our (humans). Hawks can see a bigger picture of the landscape.

Many humans live seeing their immediate environment, or the here-and-now, in their day-to-day life, but our landscape, if you will, is much bigger, grander and exceeds the physical boundaries of Earth...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, April 10, 2023

Your Meta Questions – April 10, 2023



  ~ About Shielding ~ 

Q. Why do you teach people to shield? Isn’t that promoting fear?

. There are two things I wish everyone knows how to do.

 1. Learn at least Reiki 1 (doing Reiki for self).

 2. Learn how to shield.

When I share something about shielding in my articles or when I teach someone how to shield, I see it as an important first step in re-empowering self. The shielding technique I share is multi-purposed.

1. Re-empowering self by not only taking responsibility for self, but empowering self with a technique that affords self more control over one’s own energy field. And one’s energy field can and will affect the physical.

2. The technique I offer aids one in energetically centering and balancing self.

3. In today’s world, fear is fed to the masses daily. As children growing up, we all took the fear because our programming was, and is designed so we’ll accept it. Fear of punishment, fear of authoritative figures, fear of rejection, etc. So fear is usually already present before I even meet someone. No, I don’t feel I’m promoting fear. To me, shielding techniques, again, are to energetically aid in self-empowerment; to take back control; and hopefully to begin energetically releasing one’s fears.

4. A lot of people, when they first come to me, are not only in fear-mode...Read More

by Jan Toomer