
Sunday, December 18, 2022





A small group of us were discussing the state of the United States and the world. No, let me rephrase that…we were discussing the state of the 3D United States and 3D world.

In response to some of the theories as well as where 3D things look like they’re going, I said something along the lines of: I knew what I was getting into coming here as Jan. I have to trust in my higher self and my Creator to guide me.

I don’t want to play in the drama, manipulations and fear – and haven’t for years.


Some may think that I have blinders on, or that I have my head buried in the sand. I do not. I am well aware of the hostility, hopelessness, anger, frustration and fear that have been stoked and fed by those we’re supposed to be able to trust for our welfare while in 3D – personally, locally, continent-wide and world-wide. I am very aware of the 3D energy of this town, state, nation and globe.

I do not care to feed – or buy into – any of it. One of my jobs is to hold the highest possible (for me) frequency on Earth to support those working to quit playing the 3D games.

So You’re Part of the Problem

That would be your perception and you’re welcome to see it that way.

I don’t participate in rallies and protests. I don’t get into arguments about politics or religion. Nor do I try to cram my beliefs or views on anyone. If you’re reading this, you’ve chosen to do so. I didn’t plaster it all over my website or social media platforms. I offer, any are welcome to read or not.

But I also don’t sit idle and do nothing. I often work behind the scenes. If you’ve been reading my articles for a while, you read about some of the ways I do this. For example, you may have read “Let the Truth be known; Let the Truth be shown.” This is one way I ask you all to see past the lies and manipulations.

I also work on the Earth as a whole, asking that Light penetrate all darkness, exposing that which hides and scuttles in the shadows to work against the highest and best for humans.

I teach others to trust themselves; to think for themselves and to stand in their own power.

Another Topic

Another topic that has been brought to me over the last few months is “Full Disclosure”... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, December 12, 2022

Energy Update - December 12, 2022




 ~ All Over the Place ~

This energy update is kind of all off the place, or so it seems. Aside from empaths feeling the heavier emotions of others (shield!) during the holiday season, as well as the unsettled energies from earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc., and we’re also dealing with the massive waves of incoming energies to aid us.

These current incoming energies are helping us to work on, of course, healing and releasing our pasts, but also is working on some aspects of our bodies (barring any health issues); bringing us further from 3D constructs, such as linear time; and encouraging us to take care of self.

Self Care

We did come to Earth in this lifetime to work, again, the clear the past. But, we are encouraged to also take time for FUN.

Having fun-breaks really are necessary, especially because of the oftentimes heavy energetic and/or spiritual work we are doing.

I hadn’t realized how tense I’d become these last few weeks; that is until a friend and I met up for lunch and catching up at a local restaurant. I don’t think either of knew what was going to happen. We got a spontaneous major case of the “sillies” and giggles. This went on for about two hours. And. It. Felt. Good! What a wonderful and rejuvenating time with my friend.

Linear Time / 3D Constructs

We are shifting further away from 3D constructs. I’m using linear time as an example here.

Many reports – outside of my own experiences – have come in from people about feeling awkward with, having trouble navigating around, and losing track of, linear time.

As we continue to work to disconnect all aspects of 3D, we may find ourselves perhaps feeling adrift since we are losing touch with the 3D linear time. In other words, another anchor that tied/is tying us to 3D is the 3D constructs, and linear time is a biggie.

Of course, as we continue to interact with the physical realms, linear time is great to keep up in sync for now.

Physical Adjustments

Another thing that’s happening is we are receiving adjustments to our physical bodies. Right now (again, barring any health issues), there are adjustments being made to our:

Eyes – Some may have noticed their eyesight going a bit wonky for a short time and/or perhaps experiencing some sharpening of their vision. Where are these adjustments to our eyes bringing us? Basically, to see Truth.

By this I mean that as we grew, a lot of children were programmed to disregard their Other Sight. This could have been... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Words Have Power



What do politicians, sales people, advertisers, and yes even the clergy (and more) have in common? Words have power and they know it!

Now, I’m not a scientist or behaviorist; I can, however, share my interpretations on energy patterns and energy manipulation.

Energetically, your brain and your energy believe everything you hear, what you read and what you say, as truth. Let me say that again, “…everything you hear, what you read and what you say, as truth.”

This goes beyond the thoughts bouncing around in our heads. The words we read, hear and say, as far as your energy is concerned, is truth. And this is where the manipulation comes into play.

Words can desensitize us; they can move us so we take action; they can set us against one another; they can heal us or... Read More

by Jan Toomer