
Monday, August 22, 2022

Energy Update - August 20, 2022



 ~ Dark Night of the Soul? ~

Keywords and/or “Symptoms”*


  • Either deep sleeping or the extreme opposite – insomnia
  • Exhausted not matter how much sleep you get
  • Hungry – eating more than usual
  • Possible Mandela Effect incidents (usually small incidents)
  • Cranky or irritable
  • Slowing down; doing less
  • Questioning working for the “Man” or “Corp”; it no longer seems to fit you
  • A sense of urgency
  • Soreness

(* If not a medical issue. Please see your physician for any medical concerns.)

Many experienced a lighter, freer, unencumbered feeling for three or four days with the 8/8/22 Lion’s Gate.

It may have felt like we were then kicked out of that comfortable energy, but we really weren’t. We were, however, given an uplift and slight reprieve from all of the heavy load of incoming energies of late. After our slight reprieve, it was then time to move back into those energies – full bore – which included and includes sun activity, such as solar flares, and the planetary energetic influences.

So Much Negativity Out There

This is a complaint I hear often. As we keep adjusting to the energies sent to us to help us on our journey, I would ask that you please remember that negativity, horrors, strife, etc. sells news and the fear-mongering is used to control the masses.

There is equally – if not more – positive going on as well, but the news industry (generalized) doesn’t make more money on the good stuff, so you don’t hear about it as much as the negative stuff. So please don’t focus on the negative and fear-mongering stuff. It does lower your energy and can hold you down.

Why am I bringing this up in an energy update? Because we have/are entering another “Dark Night of the Soul” as we once again are asked to look deep within and heal self; to let go of the unhelpful programming we accepted over our lifetime.

If you’ve had a pretty significant Dark Night of the Soul in the past, you may experience a mini-Dark Night of the Soul. Some may not experience it at all this time around.

If you are experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul, you may experience depression, hopelessness, question “Why am I even here? What’s the use?”, questioning your mere existence on Earth. Please don’t stay in this too long. You can acknowledge that/those thought(s) and release them; not hold onto them and continue to play or stay mired in that muck.

And if you stay stuck, there is absolutely no shame in seeking a therapist to help you through this; they are trained to help when we get stuck.

What’s The Purpose of the Dark Night of the Soul?

If you don’t stay stuck in it, it’s a way to ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

None of Your Business




 I do remember the angst I experienced not only because of being a teen, but a teen with – what I thought of at the time – a horrible huge secret.

I was also a white northern female whose family moved to the South. I hadn’t been raised to see skin color, or to think lesser of any who appeared better, or worse, off than I. In other words, I had a big ole’ target on my back. So we could add in bullying and shunning to the teen experience.

And my secret…which really wasn’t a secret, though I tried...was about my abilities. That’s where the name calling and more shunning came in. I was the “odd” one, or “freak”, etc. I’m sure you get the gist.

I’m not complaining – I’m explaining. As teens through to young adulthood, or longer, we are pressured to conform, to “fit in”, to succeed, to follow the masses. Me? Growing up,  I just wanted to be a wallflower; blending in with the backgrounds and hoping no one noticed me. I think I got pretty good at it eventually.

Anyway, my point being, we were pressured; pushed to not be ourselves. This brought fear about what the others would think of us; we were judged. Many strove to be liked, or like me, just left alone.

And many people brought those fears and insecurities forward well into their adult life; worried about being judged and perhaps judging others not “like” you.

I got over it, but I wish someone had pulled me aside and gave my younger self the message that I bring to the table...Read More

by Jan Toomer