
Sunday, April 24, 2022




 For today’s article, my Team brought “Becoming” to the table to write about. When I asked for more information and clarification, I Heard, “Expanding, Growing, Becoming,” with a sense that we really aren’t fully formed for who we are to be in this lifetime on this version of Earth – not 3D or 4D, but beyond.

Many are feeling, or have felt, a shift within themselves. A growth or an expansion. Becoming.

As we move our focus – our attention – from 3D and drama, we’re able to start paying attention to our own self. With this, we can begin to sense or feel our soul. The next step is to hear, feel, or sense what our soul is asking of self.

Our focus shifts yet again and we find interests; either rediscovering interests from any years ago (and adding a new twist) or new interests arise and aid us to step out of our boxes. This process aids us in our expansion and growth, and is a stepping stone to where our soul wants us to move toward.

While we follow our soul, we may find we drift ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, April 18, 2022

Grand Illusion


As we become more awakened, we realize that we have to work to release the 3D illusions that we’ve held on to for pretty much our whole life as an immersed human. Trouble is, what are the illusions? How do we release them? If we release them, then what? These questions, and others we may pile on top of those questions, is when we may begin to feel a bit panicky.


Let’s start with illusions. EVERYTHING is an illusion.

Have you ever been to, or seen, a movie set? Most buildings are a facade. They only have the front of the building. It’s a movie mask, an illusion, and has nothing backing it up except our willingness to believe it has depth and substance.

Did you get that? “... has nothing backing it up except our willingness to believe it has depth and substance.”

It is our beliefs that keep the facades active. Once you stop believing – or to use the Wizard of Oz example – you pull back the curtain and discover it’s just a grand illusion – then you can move on to discovering what’s real.

But, there’s a catch...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Monday, April 4, 2022

Energy Update - April 4, 2022



  ~ Energy Symptoms ~

The energetic “symptoms”, if you will, for the last two weeks and for all of April, are one or more of the following*:

  • weepy / tearing up / crying easily
  • erratic sleep patterns
  • jittery-ness / anxiety
  • tired / exhaustion
  • feeling displaced or occupied elsewhere
  • comfort foods may no longer bring comfort / digestive upsets
  • low to no tolerance for unhealthy energies such as pettiness, selfishness, unstable behaviors and interactions.
  • headaches, body aches
  • tingling sensations at one or more body location
  • more sensitive to energy
  • thoughts drifting / difficulty staying on task

A lot of these can be attributed to the massive upheaval that’s...Read More

by Jan Toomer