
Monday, December 20, 2021

Energy Update - December 21, 2021


As you all know, I quit doing Energy Updates because there have been so many accurate energy updates out there from other people. But I decided to do one today.

I've heard from quite a few people these last three to four days about them feeling out of sorts. So, here is your energy update for today.

  • Cranky
  • Angry
  • Frustrated
  • Annoyed
  • Head feels full or with pressure
  • Teary -- crying easily or at just about anything
  • Depression that's not "norm" for them
  • Exhausted (though this seems to be pretty much all of us all of the time)
  • Have trouble focusing - which can lead back to crankiness
  • Forgetful
  • Feel disconnected
  • Keyword "Overwhelmed"

Okay, we've just had a... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Don't Be a Butt



Each year I thank service members for their service and sacrifices. And, each year I think their family members for their sacrifices. Why? Because the service members sacrifice a lot to do what they can to help protect our country and rights. And, as a service member’s wife, I know that the family members sacrifice a lot as well so that the service member can do their thing.

I am not trying to downplay either party’s roles; rather, I acknowledge and appreciate both.

This brought me to mulling over our covid-era, then on to thinking about the Great Resignations, as well as people redefining their lives.

As we are all aware, the Great Resignation (and other factors brought to us) has put a squeeze on all of us and pretty much every service-to-the-people out there.

This also means that those still in ... Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Endings & Beginnings



 Last week we took a brief look at T.S. Eliot’s No. 1 Quartet of his “Four Quartets” and his poetic thoughts on linear time.

This week I’d like to take short snippets from his 2nd Quartet (East Coker) and his 4th Quartet (Little Gidding). Please keep in mind that I am sharing my interpretations and that I’m barely scratching the surface of Eliot’s writings. It’s my hope that you might explore, and interpret these, on your own; see where they take you.

Eliot began East Coker with:  “In my beginning is my end” and he closed the poem with, “In my end is my beginning.”

In his 4th Quartet, he wrote:
“What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from.”

Pretty cool, right? On planet Earth, we can find...Read More

 by Jan Toomer

Sunday, December 5, 2021

3D Time Trap



Some people struggle with the concept that ALL time is happening simultaneously – past, present and future.

Having had a group consciousness decision to play out our lifetimes on Earth utilizing a linear time format, I can see how the whole “it’s-all-happening-now” concept is hard to swallow. When my team first brought it to me, I really struggled. My younger mind went around and around, making me feel like I was stuck on a perpetual mental merry-go-round with no way to get off.

I finally placed my conundrum in my stewing pot of my virtual stove top in the back of my brain, and told my brain, “When you have worked it out, and you can present it to me in a way that I can understand, let me know,” and promptly turned up the heat to let it simmer.

A few years (yes, years) later, I had a spontaneous epiphany... Read More

by Jan Toomer