
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Psychic Attacks - Part Two

Hitchhikers, also known as attachments, are those who intentionally or accidentally get stuck in a living person’s energy field. The most commonly recognized attachments were discussed in Attachments, Part 1.

We are looking at today are those entities we brought with us from elsewhere or else when. Also those we may have gotten from someone else.

That’s right, we can bring an entity with us...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Psychic Attacks

Not every disturbance is a psychic attack during sleep time, though they to do occur.

- Hypnagogic (going to sleep) or hynopompic (waking up) hallucinations can occur, in essence, in dream time.

- Sleep paralysis. The standard thought on this is the process where our physical body paralyzes our muscles so we don’t act out our dreams. Sometimes we wake up while the sleep paralysis is still “on”. This can lead to fear or terror since you can’t call out or move. This usually only lasts a few minutes, though it may seem a lot longer.

- Meridian Clock. Chinese medicine uses this tool to determine yin/yang imbalances, and involves the organs “times”. One “symptom” is waking every night at the same time.

Energy-wise – Simplified

- When we sleep, we leave our bodies and we go off to learn, teach, aid others or just...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blindly Follow

So much seems to be going on and possibly throwing some off kilter. Politics, both personal and business relationship upheavals, and even the weather.

We don’t know who to trust. It may even seem like nothing around us is stable or reliable anymore.

And isn’t it wonderful?

Okay, before you decide I’ve gone completely off my rocker, let’s take a look at why I think that.

We’ve talked about our programming from birth on up, and how we were trained to listen to pretty much everyone else but ourselves. We’ve even been encourage to follow the majority. In other words, “Don’t think for yourself. Let us do that for you.”

Yeah, well those days are coming to...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Energy Update - October 6, 2019

~ October Brings New Beginnings ~

September was a doozy! It was about reconnecting with our past. Many of these connections had been formed in third dimension energy.

The energy last month asked us if we wanted our current or past situations and relationships – which had their beginnings in the past – to remain with us while we move forward.

We were guided to dig deeper into our past, to see the relationships and situations that hadn’t had closure. These have been sitting in the background, waiting for us to make a decision. We were encouraged to re-establish a connection, even if it just was to think it over, to see if we wanted that energy (person or type of experience) back into our lives. Or, are we done? If we decided to not carry it forward, we were asked to close and release it.

But September was also about seeing and facing our fears, nightmares, and scary past experiences...Read More

by Jan Toomer