
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Can You Hear it Now?

We’ve all experienced them whether we are consciously aware it them or not.

Energy downloads, updates, or whatever you care to call them.  A lot comes in on a high pitch whine in your ear. Others ride the waves with the heavy gravitational pull of the full moons. And others yet come in with the assistance of a push from solar flares and different planetary alignments.

We’ve felt waves of nausea and/or had feelings of wonkiness or dizzy spells during some of the more packed energy downloads. We’ve had short bouts of feeling awkward or even clumsy in our own body. And sometimes we become super energized and may have trouble sleeping. All while our physical bodies and energetic bodies processed and integrated the new information and energy changes.

Many who understood they were receiving downloads also knew tons...Read More

by Jan Toomer

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Beauty in All

In this time of turmoil and separation, we ask you to look at your thoughts of others in regards to separation, and ask yourself why you think that way. And does it fit the real and true you?

Was it a belief passed on to you as a child – programmed into you from your environment? Was it presented to you later and you accepted it? If so, why did you accept this? Were you, and are you, afraid to stand up against the beliefs around you that don’t fit the real, base you?

Those you are against, do you know why? Read More

Channeled by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Sound of Silence

We, humans, are programmed from childhood to “do” from the moment we get wake up until we go to bed. We live with both physical and mental noise – music, videos, social media posts, conversations, sound pollution around us and then there’s our own constant internal chatter.

We are so busy, filling every second of our day. We bombard ourselves with sounds, noise, and activities to keep our attention outwards – because if we stop, then what? What will happen?

Someone asked, “Why am I afraid of the silence?” Read More

by Jan Toomer

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Paranormal Investigators – Finish the Job

A paranormal investigation, also known as a ghost investigation or ghost “hunting”, is the process of investigating a location to capture evidence or debunk the claims of a haunting.

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PARA  -- prefix with many meanings, including: alongside of, beside, near, resembling, beyond, apart from, and abnormal.

…alongside, beyond -- from Greek para- from para (prep.) "beside, near”

NORMAL -- conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

PARANORMAL -- Beyond normal explanation.

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There are quite a few groups who are investigating to prove, or disprove, through EVP’s (electronic voice phenomenon), audio recordings, videos, still photography and thermal imaging. They may also utilize gadgets such as spirit boxes, spirit boards, flashlight communication, and other electronic devices.

People call investigators because they usually want help. Capturing evidence...Read More

by Jan Toomer