You ache with loneliness
You act of out frustration
You cry out for help.
I walk with you always
I work to soothe you
I am here to aid you.
Your guilt weighs on you
Your fear deafens you
Your grief numbs you.
I lift you up
I speak to you
I guide you.
Your societal indoctrination disconnects you.
I cut the tethers you accepted from society.
You say you’re lost and adrift.
I say you’re now free to go where you want.
You search outside of yourself
But I Am within you – and have been with you always.
I Am your higher self – seek me within yourself…
For we are One.
* * * As most of you know, my articles are mostly either suggested by my team or channeled completely.
The team can guide me with a topic or sentence; provide a mental visual of a scenario to show me what they wish to discuss or share; or, like with “News & Views From the Other Side”, they provide detailed visualizations and/or dictate the feelings/words.
Today’s was a bit different...
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Channeled by
Jan Toomer