
Monday, June 24, 2013

Detoxifying Moon

Detoxifying Moon. #metaphysical

"This last full moon brought in energy for detoxifying; physically and emotionally *. We are being prompted to..."

by Jan Toomer

Monday, June 17, 2013

Rediscover the Child Within

Rediscover the Child Within. #metaphysical 

 ..."The amazing innocence of a child brings such a beautiful reminder of the awesomeness of our world and its inhabitants."

by Jan Toomer

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Energy Update – Week of June 10, 2013

Energy Update – Week of June 10, 2013

"Some of you have begun to experience a heavy depression, sadness, sense of hopelessness, etc."

by Jan Toomer

Monday, June 3, 2013

Being Confronted by Someone Else’s Rage or Anger - What’s an Empath to Do?

Being Confronted by Someone Else’s Rage or Anger - What’s an Empath to Do?

"An empath has the ability to sense and/or feel another’s emotions; some inexperienced or unprotected empaths may feel someone else’ emotions so strongly they may confuse these as being their own emotions (they cannot delineate between their emotions and someone else’s emotions which can result in an emotional rollercoaster ride).

Some are Adjusting; Some are Not

Each month we are introduced to another wave of new energies, so many of us are working on adapting and adjusting to the new energy.

Unfortunately, there are some who are not adjusting, or not adjusting well; these are not pleasant people to be around if you are an empath.

What is the Difference Between Rage and Anger?

by Jan Toomer

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June's Reality Undefined Newsletter

June's Reality Undefined Newsletter.

June's Reality Undefined Newsletter contains May's posted blog articles as well as new articles that aren't posted on the blog.
