
Monday, October 15, 2012

Your Own Monsters

Your Own Monsters by Jan Toomer

"...took an evening for my October tradition. Each October, I try to catch..."

Your Meta-Question: Hard to Stay Focused and Tying up Loose Ends

Hard to Stay Focused and Tying up Loose Ends

"I am finding it hard to stay focused..."

Everything Happens For A Reason

Everything Happens For A Reason by Linda Aragon

"...“Aha Moments” are moments of enlightenment. Sometimes they come in an instant, sometimes more slowly, sometimes in a crisis, sometimes in looking ..."

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our Own Worst Critic

Our Own Worst Critic by Jan Toomer

"I know we are usually our own worst critic…our ego-voice* working to undermine our forward movement and growth.

And, just when I thought I and my ego-voice had come to terms, I allowed myself to..."