
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Book Review - Out-of-Body - E

“Adventures Beyond the Body: How To Experience Out-of-Body Travel”, William Buhlman. © 1996, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-06-251371-0.

Real the review, and author's participation, on this cool book here -

Jan Toomer

Dowsing Experience

This article about Frank and Dowsing has been archived at: - so check it out!

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Addition to Web Site

Hi Everyone!

I am pleased to announce a new addition - "Elissa's Page" - to (aka Elissa Heyman has graciously allowed me to post her monthly newsletter on the site.

Elissa's newsletter has "Psychic Insights for the Astrological Signs and Elements" as well as her predictions. It's really cool - and hope you will check it out.

"Elissa's Page" also has a link to her visit her site too! (Her link is

Jan JD Toomer

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Book Review - Relationships - E

“Spiritual Connections”, Sylvia Browne. © 2007. Hay House. ISBN 978-1-4019-0881-2.

Find the review for this book, here

Jan Toomer

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008


Well guys, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Our country and our leaders are falling by the way side. It's getting harder just to maintain. It seems to be affecting all of us now.

By the way, I find it encouraging, because it's like the pushing just before the baby comes. Or is it?

I have read about many small communities that are now bartering among them selves. They are preparing.

I'm not doing anything. Just watching and wondering, and waiting for a revelation to come to me, as to what to do.

What are some of the things that you are thinking?

Lean on me

We all have our little things that we try and try to over come. And no matter how hard we try, and how sincere we are, we are reminded that we are human after all.

I have a hard time accepting my adult daughter's life style. This poor kid of mine is convinced that I am the true Cybil. I get mad and speak my mind, only to dig my grave deeper. And then I am sorry. We go up and down like a yo yo. Both of us are strong people.

The other day, I came to the point that I was speechless, which never happens as a rule. After exhausting every approach, and trying to respect her free will,I thought, I turned to my friend and said help.

She didn't tell me what I wanted to hear. And she didn't candy coat what she said either. But, it was just, it was guiding with in the law of free will. I knew in my heart she was right, but I still felt uneasy with in my self.

My daughter asked me to do something that I just couldn't do.. come to visit and keep my mouth shut. She too is tired of arguing. I was out of time on answering her, so I decided to try something different.

When I got my friends advice in the email, even though I knew she was right, it was like taking some nasty tasting medicine. But, I trust her, and I know she acted out of love.

I cut and pasted her email to me, into a new email to my daughter. I changed it only by replacing the "hers" with "you" and the "you" with "I" and then I sent it off.

The email I got back from my daughter made me cry. It was truly a beginning of healing that I have not seen in almost a year.

I am convinced that there are times, when we can't see the forest for the trees. Some times we need a "human walk in" for lack of better words. I was stuck in the mud and spinning my tires, which only went deeper.

Its also a lesson in trust. To get to a point that can't get much worse, you have to let go and trust when some one is there to help.

In all the reading and searching that I have done, the bottom line is to look with in, and that we have all the answers. Perhaps that is correct in the next dimension, but in this third dimension, we are still very primitive.

I have a new appreciation for two things. I trusted my friend completely. This is a real biggie for me. A year ago, I didn't trust anyone, human. And two, I realized that I needed help, and asked.

Thank you Jan. I love you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Book Review - Psychic Spy - E

"Psychic Spy - The story of an astounding man", by Clifford L. Linedecker. (C) 1976, Doubleday and Company. ISBN 0-385-11457-5.

Montgomery's memories of his role in World War II - read the review here,

Jan Toomer

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What Do I See?

How I (Jan Toomer) perceive some energy actions:

Jan Toomer

Book Review - Animal Communication - E

"Animal Voices: Telepathic Communication in the Web of Life", Dawn Baumann Brunke. (c) 2002, Bear and Company. ISBN 18791819-6.

Interesting review on this book, with author participation- read it here

Jan Toomer

Monday, October 6, 2008

More Clarity...Part Two

Lacoyote suggested that I might offer up an email that I sent to her. This email is partial and edited, and for confidentiality, personal indentifiers have been removed.

When I was younger (many many years ago) I saw lots of bad for the US and world-wide. It scared the heck out of me - and no one listened to me.
Then I became obsessive (I know, hard to imagine ME obsessive about anything! grin). This was followed along with depression, frustration, me thinking "Am I the ONLY person on this earth to see where we are going?", and fear.

US wide and earth-wide, we are being shook-up. We must be shook up to break down the old and bring in the new. Habits are very hard to break - individually, US habits, world habits, human habits.... and oftentimes we have to hit bottom to finally change. And it sucks. Royally.

Now, here comes the hard part, my friend. LET IT GO. Deep breath, and - without fear, anxiety, or falling prey to urgency - you can quietly begin to develop a safe plan for you and yours. Like what? Well, hubby and I started with buying rice and beans and will begin on working on ways to get the well to work without electricity. Without fear, anxiety, etc.

Want to know what you are going through now? You are going through now what others will be hit with later. We (Lightworkers) usually have to go through this earlier so we can get our stuff together and be level headed and calmed for when it hits others.

We cannot change the world! I know, Lord, I tried so many times! I was just looked at as a nutcase, obsessive (No! Not me!) and ignored. I was given the verbalage (made up word?) that others gave you. IT IS OKAY! LET IT GO! Making yourself sick obviously didn't change a darn thing, except for now you are sick. Sucks.

As Alcoholics Anon. often says, "One day at a time" - and we really need to live that right now - calmly.


Just a thought

I know I keep going to the Oct 14th.

I do think that there is something significant about that date. What it will be, I don't know. What ever it is, will be compared to the magnitude of a spaceship, 2000 miles in diameter that will remain in the sky for three days, for all the world to see.

I am thinking, perhaps, some sort of an activation to assist us and our planet.

I good friend once told me "When ever you try to good, evil appears"

It's no coincidence { as there is no such thing} that complete turmoil is going on in the world right now, and that Retrograde is just the frosting on the cake. Common sense would tell us that if we are to receive something on that day, there will also be the equal trying to block it.

I hope that I will not make the mistake again, of underestimating the power that fear can have. I am preparing to receive the blessing of Oct 14.

My TV is off to the news and the drama it carries.

I am a crystal person, and mine are cleansed and ready to also receive.

Above all, I am staying shielded.

I would also invite everyone to join me to meditate on the 14th. Lets welcome, and give thanks to this great event, for the greater good for our Mother Earth and all creation.

More Clarity Please

It has been brought to my attention that perhaps I need to be more in-depth in my blog; provide more details.

I would like to say that I usually do not spell things out for a few reasons:

For the readers who do not know me, you may not realize that I am “anti-doom and gloom”; I would like people to work with positive frames of mind, even through the worst of times.

Does that mean that when I am really hurting (emotionally or physically) that I should plaster a fake smile on my face? No. It means that there is always something positive to come out of any situation: a life lesson; a learning or growth opportunity…etc. which can bring greater and/or new understanding; closeness between people; compassion, etc.

Secondly, I am pretty much a question-triggered type of person; the questions need to be asked or my brain has nothing to retrieve (though I am not a dog).

If you took your dog outside and excitedly yelled, “Fetch!” and Rover took off – what would he/she come back with since you’ve not given him/her a target? I shudder to think! (grin)

So, discussions and questions, for me, prompt answer retrieval. I am not always provided answers (there are even rules concerning the “other side”), and I can be wrong.

Now, before you yell, “Cop out!” at me, many factors can play into this:

A) I am human. My perceptions of what I ‘see’ can be (like everyone else) skewed by my outlook on life; knowledge I have gained; how I interpreted what I ‘saw’.

B) We are each creators, and when we are given new information, we can re-create. For example: what if I ‘saw’ a recipient in a future car accident, say at 5th and Main this coming week (I rarely get time frames since linear time is man-made), so I tell them to be extra careful when driving this week. So, they were extra careful and had a near-miss instead of a full blown accident. The recipient re-created and altered the possible future event. “Possible future event” are the key words here.

C) The recipient(s) don’t want to hear/acknowledge the information, therefore I must be wrong (yes, tongue in cheek here).

Okay, having said all of that…here’s what I ‘see’, as of right now (remember, it means it’s subject to change!).

We are beings of growth and change. Mankind’s history has proven that every so often, we get a good ‘shaking up’ so we can work on ‘waking up’. AKA – growth spurts.

Growth spurts can be individually, nation-wide, and/or world-wide. And right now, we are going through all three.

I feel that by Dec 08/Jan 09 (please remember, time frames are not guaranteed), we are going to enter another growth spurt. What does this mean?

Think of a teething toddler. From this tot, we hear the word “no!” a lot; s/he is very grumpy; and the parent(s) look forward to the tooth finally breaking through. This is a growth spurt – and it will not last forever!

And yet, changes scare us.

I recommend for everyone to go with the flow (that does not mean sit back with blinders on and do nothing!); take each day, and each days’ challenge, one day at a time.

Please do not retreat into fear, depression, have blinders on (ignore everything), etc. Find a balance. Stand strong and tall, without arrogance or belligerence, and understand that we each chose to be here during this time – and were granted the honor and privilege to bring about these changes.

Any questions?


Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Clean up on aisle two please!"

Okay gang - some cleaning up is going on right now. With Mercury Retrograde (MR), and a growth spurt occuring, there are some growing pains.

And I am hearing it from all over the U.S.

Yes, growing pains are uncomfortable - and Mercury going Retrograde sucks crunchy peanut butter. I know, really! I am not fond of changes myself.

But, it happens - and it's happening now. "This too shall pass".

I would like to offer a suggestion - take a slow deep breath, hold for a few seconds, and release slowly. Repeat as necessary.

Then, find a book or a movie that will tickle your funny bone. Laugh!

Laughing raises your energy; it uplifts your frequency and don't forget the wonderful things it does for the physical body.

Yes, I get frustrated too - so I turn on to something light and entertaining.

Am I using it as an escape? Yes - a temporary one - one that will have positive effects on my mind and body.

When Mercury's Retrograde nips me on the behind, I usually do the 'slap my forehead' move; shake my head, utter "Mercury Retrograde" and laugh. I have to remind myself that not being in the moment means MR will nip me to get me back into the now. If I dwell on it or become angry or frustrated about it, it makes it worse on me.

This is only temporary!

Everything is only temporary!

Mercury goes direct 15OCT08.

Growing pains will stop when we've finished this particular growth spurt.

And both events will happen again.

So, are you going to dread and fight it? Or, will you say, "Okay, here we go again" and go with the flow (stay in the now) until it passes?

I opt for the laughter and going with the flow.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Emotions Ride High Still

As I mentioned in lacoyote's post "Ready???" - emotions are running rampant US wide right now - especially fear and uncertainty. For empaths, it means - if not well shielded - receiving a possible overload.

Shield, shield and shield.

I was heading towards overload yesterday. My remedy? I spent five hours cleaning and re-arranging the garage. Productive, good exercise, instant gratification (love that!) and I worked off any excess energy that I had building up.

Please, deep breaths, shield and if necessary, work off (within your accepted physical abilities - take care of self!) some of the excess being felt. Gardening or walking are some examples.

And remember, we all chose to experience this - whether we like taking that responsibility or not.



What is an earthbound?

Jan Toomer

Book Review - Rescuing Spirits - E

"Spirit Rescue: A Simple Guide to Talking With Ghosts and Freeing Earthbound Spirits", Wilma Davidson, Llewellyn Publishing. (C) 2006. ISBN 0-7387-0907-7.

This book has more than the title suggests. Read the review here

Jan Toomer